Janine Pitta Art LLC

Janine Pitta Art LLC

Proud Fremont Chamber of Commerce member.
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Janine Pitta Art LLC

37161 Niles Blvd. Unit A
Fremont, CA 94536 | View on Google Maps
Connect With Us

Our Mission is to foster the arts and promote creativity in a supportive setting by providing both virtual and in-person lessons and classes. Everyone is innately creative and we ALL need to create more for our well-being. I teach art to youth through after-school classes, summer camps, and special occasion events such as birthday parties. I teach most of my classes in my art studio in Niles but I also offer virtual options. Additionally I also offer adult art wellness classes for team building and group events. I’ve found that adults need this time to go back to their childhood and remember their creative sides as well. I also sell some of the art I personally created, mainly pottery, at my studio and online. 

Member Since: 2023
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 (Date: 9/17/2024)
Fremont Chamber of Commerce