Dukami Digital Marketing

Dukami Digital Marketing

Proud Fremont Chamber of Commerce member.
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Dukami Digital Marketing

39159 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Suite 211
Fremont, CA 94536 | View on Google Maps
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A complete audit and website performance optimization process.

Audit the website: In this step, We will audit your website and prepare the current website performance, performance issues and gap analysis of your site

WordPress Site Optimization: Faster load time for a WordPress website can be achieved through various means, such as configuring and tuning page caches,fast web host, lightweight theme, browser caching, optimizing images, compressing CSS and JavaScript, managing 301 redirects, modifying the .htaccess file, lazy loading, using fast hosting server,  cache plugin, reducing Time To First Byte (TTFB) latency, and implementing a content delivery network for quick loading time.

Report the outcome: Once we have implemented our WordPress Site Optimization services, our website speed consultant will send you a report illustrating the improvements to your site speed.

Member Since: 2023
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 (Date: 9/17/2024)
Fremont Chamber of Commerce