

Proud Fremont Chamber of Commerce member.
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440 N Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94085 | View on Google Maps
Connect With Us

We're on a mission to help you find opportunities that matter.

We aspire to be a company that has a lasting social impact. We want to give people a new way to access opportunities, grow their abilities and love what they do. We have reimagined recruiting. People are the heart of our business. We believe that every person has something valuable to contribute to our society.

Work–Life–Play is blending and people are seeking more collaborative, flexible, and immersive experiences where their abilities and interests seamlessly come together. They are seeking opportunities to pursue their interests.

We have created Blinkpad to eliminate the traditional hit-or-miss approach of matching resumes with job postings. Most job searches begin with looking for employment vacancies and trying to figure out how to best fit in, writing a resume, applying and waiting for responses. This is the traditional way to find work. This method is long, cumbersome, and most candidates get filtered out.

Blinkpad is a real-time platform that provides opportunities to individuals so they can engage in their interests, monetize their abilities, and find resources to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

Blinkpad maps thousands of industry-specific micro-specializations, professional and other interests, with customizable, multimedia enabled profiles of candidates to improve speed, quality, transparency, and diversity in recruiting.

Member Since: 2023
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 (Date: 9/18/2024)
Fremont Chamber of Commerce