As you walk through a rural town in the Philippines, you are likely to come across a sari-sari store. In Tagalog, a native language of the Philippines, sari-sari means “variety” or “everything”. A sari-sari store is more than just a place to shop — it is also a place where friends and neighbors gather to share the latest gossip, and children come to play.
We chose the name Sari-Sari Shop for our business in honor of the community spirit of the traditional Filipino sari-sari store, and as a tribute to our Filipino heritage. As you browse through our collection of images, remember that choosing and connecting with a design is a personal journey. We thank you for taking the time to learn about the meaning behind our name, and and we invite you to express yourself as well with your choice of a Sari-Sari Store product.
Member Since: 2022